Monday, April 30, 2018

Fundamental of IT and programming


                    Today computers have become part of our life Usage of computers in different fields has become a necessity in the present competitive world. Lot of work and evolution has transpired from the initial computer systems to the present day computer systems.computers are made up of electrical, Electronic and Mechanical components. Computers are just the machine and you must specify the work that is to be carried out by the computer. Thus  to carry out a specific task series of instruction must be given to the Computers in a particular order.

In this unit we are going to study the computer structure, evolution of computers, characteristics of computer & organization of the computer.


                   After study this Unit,  you should be able to:
  • Define Computer
  • Explain the evolution of the Computers
  • Explain the Characteristics of Computers
  • Explain Organization of a Computer and its units


                                       A computer is a device that receives information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instruction on how the data is to processed. Complex computers also include the means for storing data (including the program which is also a form of data) for some necessary duration. A program may be invariable and build into the computer ( and called logic circuitry as it is on microprocessors) or different programs may be provide may be provided to the computer (loaded into its storage by an administrator or user).

  Ultimate histories of the modem computer begin with the Analytical Engine envisioned by Charles Babbage followed the mathematical ideas of George Boole, the mathematical  ideas of George Boole the, mathematician who first stated the principles of logic inherent in today's digital computer, Babbage's assistant and collaborator, Ada Lovelace, is said have introduced the ideas of program loops and subroutines and is sometimes considered the first programmer. Apart  from mechanical calculator the first really useable computers began with the vacuum tube, accelerated with the invention of the transistor, which then became embedded in large number in integrated of the transistor, which then became embedded in large numbers in integrated circuits, ultimately making possible the relatively low-cost personal computer.
Fig.1.1: Graphic Presentation of Computer

Self Assessment Question:-

1. _________________ is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instruction on how the data is to processed.

2. Technically, a computer is a _______________machine.

1.3 The Evolution of computers:- 

                                                   Since civilization began, many of the advance made by science and technology have depended upon the ability to process large amount of data and perform complex mathematical calculation . For thousands of years, mathematicians, scientists and businessmen have searched for computing machines that could perform calculations and analyze data quickly and efficiently. one such device was the abacus.

The abacus was an important counting machine in ancient Babylon . China, and though out Europe where it was used until the late middle age, it was followed by a series fo improvements in mechanical counting machines that followed by a series of important of accurate mechanical adding machines in the 1930's. These machines used a complicated assortment of gears and levers to perform the calculations bt they were far to slow to be of much use to scientists Also , a machine capable of making simple decision such as which number is larger was needed, A machine capable of making decisions is called a computer.

The first computer like machine was the Mark I developed by a team from IBM and Harvard University. It used mechanical telephone relays to store information and it processed data entered on  punch cards. This machine was not a true computer since  it could not make decisions.

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